Welcome to the dumping site

This is my personal space to vent my thoughts. I mostly write about with Emacs, smaller side projects and things related to writing, tech stuff and maybe management.

Developing an emacs package

2022-06-01 | #emacs #packages

I wrote a package long time ago, maybe 6 years or so. Now, I switched my employer not long ago which uses clockodo to track times used on a task. Clockodo serves a clean webpage and some packages for major operating systems. But the lack of emacs support is a pain point for me since I use emacs most of the time and it’s the first program running and the last I close.

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Get assimilated

2021-11-12 | #borgbackup #borgmatic #debain #systemd

Since I have serveral physical machines and virtual ones backups are a pressing point since their are running critical infrastructure for my company. I needed a fairly complicated setup with two backup layers and two steps as requested by the management. The lower layer is a regulary backup of the virtual machines and the higher layer is a regulary backup of the main data from some machines. These includes the main file store and the mail servers.

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Provide and deploy Let's encrypt certificates via Nginx

2021-11-08 | #letsencrypt #nginx

I use Let’s encrypt to obtain valid TLS cerftificates for various services including mail. Each service has its own virtual machine or is a seperate physical machine. While having only one public IP address I use nginx as reverse proxy and TLS termination point for traffic running over HTTP/HTTPS. Since this machine is the only one accessible from the world wide web it also handles the certificate request for all other machines which need valid TLS certificates.

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